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Which has the function of isolated from fire JOESCO Barrier
2018-05-16 17:47:45

  JOESCO Barrier is the use of the various types of carbon steel or zinc alloy wire gore silk woven, is a very good fire resistance, can also stop the fire spreading of building network, can protect certain areas to avoid pressure shocks, can effectively absorb the explosion or block, the pressure of the blast shock wave effective protection building limit of explosion in a certain range.

  Because blast walls will not burn, so the expansion on the fire prevention has a lot of advantages, it can cut off a good fire, prevent fire, thereby reducing the loss of property.Explosion-proof walls and the role of resistance to high pressure injection, so that when we are in a fire, in a timely manner with a high pressure fire fighting, also won't lead to the collapse of the house, so can increase the safety of the fire, can also be recycled, so make the material more environmental protection.Flame-proof wall has the ability of resistance to shock, to limit damage within a certain range, and can be used as a military equipment, can be applied to operations for vehicle to temporary fort, fort, command before the war, instead of traditional artificial trenches, effectively stop the attack.

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